Happy Fan Friday Jets fans!
The first Sunday of a long offseason has been and gone, and you won’t be alone in counting down until September when we take back to the field…
Until then, we’ll keep you entertained as best we can here on the UK Digital Fan Hub – make sure to check out our site each Monday where you can vote on the 2022 Fan Awards, starting with the vote for Team MVP.
Please also reach out via social media or at the email address at the bottom of the webpage if you’re interested in being featured in our Fan Friday series in future!
Let’s meet Darren, a Jets fan from Surrey!
- Name: Darren Rogers
- Twitter handle: @darrenrogers71
- Location in UK: Surrey
- Jets fan since: Far too long! Early to mid 80’s maybe
- First Jets memory: Probably whatever Jets game C4 showed first, think we lost to Miami/Dan Marino via a trick play
- Favourite Jets memory: 2011 AFC Championship game. Ok, we lost, but my Dad is a Steelers fan so he was happy!
- Ever visited MetLife? If so, what’s the story?: Not yet
- Favourite current Jet (and why?): Sauce. Watched the draft and he was top of my ‘want’ list – was so happy he fell to us!
- Favourite all-time Jet (and why?): Mark Gastineau, #99, I loved the New York Sack Exchange back in the day!
- Other bits and bobs – I won a phone-in competition on Capital Radio and went to Super Bowl XXIII with my Dad. Had a lovely meal with Mick Luckhurst and all the UK journalists covering the game.
Before Channel 4 picked up the highlights package I would sit in my Dad’s car, on the front driveway, listening to games on the radio – Armed Forces Network, the reception was variable. In the middle of a crucial play you would get opera singing for thirty seconds… Today’s fans don’t know how lucky they are!
Back in the days of C4 showing week old games on Sunday evenings, I had a question read out by Mick Luckhurst. No idea what I asked though!
I have a Jets tattoo…and this is the best hoodie I will ever own – the Jets are in there somewhere!
Thanks to Darren for answering our questions and for his long-time support of the Jets – that is some serious dedication!
For anyone who would like to be featured in future weeks, please get in contact with us via DM on Twitter or via the email address listed below! Have a great weekend!